Today we are going to look at how having a positive, thought out definition of ABUNDANCE can actually enrich your relationship and help you create the kind of relationship that you have always dreamed of and desired. 

Have a pen and notebook handy because in a couple of minutes you will be writing down YOUR OWN DEFINITION OF ABUNDANCE.

When you think of Abundance, what thoughts, words and images come to mind? What does abundance look like / feel like? Is it about how much money you have, where you live, what vehicle you drive, how successful you are or is it more than that?


The first time I did this exercise, I was completely stumped. I didn’t know where to start because a lot of my thoughts and feelings regarding abundance were actually quite negative. I think I had been put off the term ‘Abundance’ because of it being overused and often times abused. I associated the word with ‘churchy’ phrases like Abundant Life and also ‘get rich quickly’ schemes.

I didn’t have any idea of what abundance actually is.

I remember writing, “Well it’s probably quite telling that I don’t have a definition of Abundance – or at least not a conscious, thought out definition as yet. But, that being said, let me look at putting a definition of abundance together that feels authentic for me”.
I really encourage you to do the same. Be as honest and authentic as you can. You are going to be referring back to the notes that you make during this Module, so the more you put into it, the more you will be able to get out of it.

Take some time now to write down a couple of sentences on your definition of Abundance.

abundance 5

To help you get started, I will share the Dictionary definition of Abundance with you.

a•bun•dance (-bndns)
1. A great or plentiful amount.
2. Fullness to overflowing: “My thoughts . . . are from the abundance of my heart” (Thomas De Quincey).
3. Affluence; wealth.
4. A copious supply; great amount
5. Fullness or benevolence from the abundance of my heart
6. Degree of plentifulness
7. An extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply.
8. Overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart.
Abundance – profusion, a great plenty, an overflowing quantity. See also exuberance.

Abundance 8

This is what I wrote as my definition of Abundance the first time I did this exercise.
Abundance is about having MORE THAN ENOUGH: More than enough WISDOM & INSIGHT to help bring about transformation in my own life and the lives of others. More than enough TIME & ENERGY to do the things I love doing and having fun. More than enough MONEY & RESOURCES, so that I don’t have to worry or feel stressed about finances. Enjoy excellent HEALTH & WELLNESS so that I can live life to the full and have an active lifestyle. Abundance is about having more than enough PEACE & CALM by meditating and making time to relax and breathe. Having an ATTITUDE OF ABUNDANCE will make my life feel more FULL & MEANINGFUL, so that I can operate out of a place of OVERFLOW, GRATITUDE and MORE THAN ENOUGH.

Abundance 13

So often we think of abundance in terms of how much we own or how much money we have. It is so much more than that. Having an Attitude of Abundance can be summed up in the way you view the world. It is choosing to see the positive, as opposed to the negative, in the world (and each other for that matter). It is ‘seeing’ the world as abundant, rich and plentiful. It is about believing that there are more than enough resources, as well as opportunities to go around, that our world is bountiful and sustaining and is more than able to meet our needs, as well as the needs of others.

Seeing the world from this perspective helps you avoid falling into a poverty or scarcity mindset that is dominated by greed and selfishness – wanting it all for yourself and not wanting to share with others. It helps you avoid falling into the trap of NOT ENOUGH, of feeling sorry for yourself and focusing on what you don’t have.

Abundance quotes 3

More than enough, plenty                  Never enough, lack
Happy and contented                           Unhappy and discontented
Generous                                                   Selfish
Sharing and giving                                 Hording and keeping
More than enough time                       Always busy, never enough time
Loads of energy                                      Tired and lethargic
Patient and tolerant                              Impatient and intolerant
Health & Wellness                                  Unhealthy and sluggish
Peaceful and calm                                  Moody and grumpy
Kindness and gentleness                     Harsh and unkind
Gratitude and good attitude              Ungrateful and bad attitude
Wisdom and insight                               Foolish and thoughtless

This is the first of 8 Modules that I have written on CONSCIOUSLY CREATING THE RELATIONSHIP THAT YOU DESIRE.

I will be sharing a new Module with you each week to help you build the relationship of your dreams.

Yours in Love




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About Laurene le Grange

I have 3 blogs THE FAT GODDESS http://thefatgoddess.wordpress.com/ SACRED FEMININE REAWAKENING http://laurenelegrange.wordpress.com/ and THE COUPLES COACH (which I run with my husband, Andre) https://thecouplescoach.wordpress.com/ I am passionate about RELATIONSHIPS - My relationship with myself, husband, family, friends and everyone else. We have been created to be in relationship with one another. All 3 of my blogs focus on different aspects of relating/relationships. The Fat Goddess is my personal RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD. I started the blog to help keep me focused on losing weight and getting healthy - I hope that what I share inspires you to do the same. Sacred Feminine Reawakening is my RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DIVINE FEMININE - I am an Intuitive Goddess and my calling is to encourage, motivate & support you as you awaken and connect to your Inner Wisdom, your Sacred Feminine Essence. The Couples Coach is based on how we RELATE TO EACHOTHER WHEN WE ARE IN A 'RALATIONSHIP' Andre and I believe that we can help you RADICALLY TRANSFORM your relationship by applying the tools that we have to share with you If you've enjoyed reading something I've shared on one of my blogs, please feel free to check out my others ;-) Yours in LOVE, Laurene

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